Youth Ministry

Have youth? We have ministries just for them. Good Shepherd has a rich tradition in our youth group (6-12th grade) which meets on Sunday evenings from 5:30-7p. Youth Sunday school meets at 9:15am on Sunday mornings. We believe that the youth are an essential part of the church. Below, you can find out more about how we serve the youth of our church, and how we help them serve others.



Our youth discipleship programming is focused on three areas: Mission, Competency, and Fellowship. Through Mission, we seek to serve both our local community and the global community by participating in events like Appalachia Service Project, the Pittsburgh Project, 30 Hour Famine, and local service events. Through Competency, we seek to grow a deeper understanding of Scripture and how we can apply it to current events and our every day lives. Through Fellowship, we grow closer as a community by sharing our weekly highs and lows and prayer concerns, and by participating in things like weekend retreats and special activities.


Our Youth Group meets every Sunday night during the school year from 5:30-7p. We engage in fun fellowship and thoughtful discussion about Scripture and how to apply the word to things like current events, social justice issues, and our everyday lives.